Samsung is preparing a Galaxy A14 smartphone with 5G connectivity. The device with model number SM-A146B appeared on Geekbench with an unannounced Exynos chipset, but a new listing revealed the model is also getting a different version with a Mediatek platform. An SM-A146P phone was benchmarked with Dimensity 700, and it managed to score lower than the Exynos sibling both on the single-core and multi-core fronts. Samsung Galaxy A14 5G with Dimensity 700 and Exynos 1330 Geekbench tells us the Mediatek-powered Samsung phone will have a 4GB RAM option and will ship with Android 13...
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Samsung Galaxy A14 5G with Dimensity 700 also pops up on Geekbench
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
novembre 20, 2022
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