An unknown Xiaomi device with model designation M2012K11C has appeared on Geekbench. It runs Android 11, has 6GB RAM onboard, and is powered by a Qualcomm chip, which is likely the yet-to-be-announced Snapdragon 875 SoC. More so because the source code of the listing mentions Adreno 660 GPU, which is rumored to be a part of the Snapdragon 875 and isn't available on the current Snapdragon chips. JRGRAPH_EXPANDABLE_VERSION = false; The M2012K11C - which is said to be the Mi 11 - achieved a score of 1,105 and 3,512 in Geekbench 5's single and multi-core tests, respectively. Since...
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Xiaomi flagship with Snapdragon 875 passes through Geekbench
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
novembre 07, 2020
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