The OnePlus 8T announced last week is now available for purchase in the US through OnePlus' online store with two color options - Lunar Silver and Aquamarine Green. It's priced at $749 and comes with 12GB RAM and 256GB storage. There's also an 8T+ 5G for T-Mobile priced the same, which comes with an IP68 rating while sharing the rest of the specs with the regular 8T. The OnePlus 8T is built around a 6.55" FullHD+ 120Hz Always-on AMOLED display that has a fingerprint reader underneath for biometric authentication. It's powered by the Snapdragon 865 SoC and runs Android 11-based OxygenOS 11...
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OnePlus 8T goes on sale in the US
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
octobre 24, 2020
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