Back in December we saw the arrival of the Snapdragon 765/765G chipset with integrated 5G modem and today Qualcomm launched an overclocked version called Snapdragon 768G. The CPU can go up to 2.8GHz, while the Adreno 620 GPU is clocked at 725 MHz. Qualcomm Snapdragon 768G Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G CPU 1x2.8 GHz Kryo 475 Prime & 1x2.2 GHz Kryo 475 Gold & 6x1.8 GHz Kryo 475 Silver 1x2.4 GHz Kryo 475 Prime & 1x2.2 GHz Kryo 475 Gold & 6x1.8 GHz Kryo 475 Silver GPU Adreno 620 @ 750 MHz Adreno 620 @ 625 MHz 5G ...
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Qualcomm Snapdragon 768G arrives overclocked CPU and GPU, integrated 5G modem
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
mai 11, 2020
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