The ZTE Axon 11 5G coming on March 23 was expected to pack the flagship Snapdragon 865 SoC. However, the smartphone passed through Geekbench yesterday, suggesting it will have a mid-range chipset at the helm. And if Chinese tipster Digital chat station is to be believed, it will be the Snapdragon 765G SoC. The source further claims that Axon 11 5G will sport a 6.6" FullHD+ 60Hz display, which from a previously leaked image we know will have a waterdrop notch. The image also revealed a quad camera on the back with a 64MP main unit, but it was unclear if it was a Samsung or Sony...
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ZTE Axon 11 5G specs tipped ahead of March 23 unveiling
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
mars 21, 2020
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