Samsung announced its latest Galaxy F-series devices in India with the Galaxy F34. The new device is nothing more than a rebadged Galaxy M34 for the Indian market. Galaxy F34 in Electric Black and Mystic Green Galaxy F34 sports a 6.5-inch Super AMOLED display with FHD+ resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate. The panel features a water drop notch cutout for the 16MP front-facing camera and is protected by Gorilla Glass 5. Galaxy F34 brings a 120Hz Super AMOLED display and a 50MP main cam with OIS There’s an Exynos 1280 chipset at the helm aided by 6/8GB RAM and 128GB...
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Samsung Galaxy F34 announced with Exynos 1280 and 50MP main cam
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
août 07, 2023
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