The biggest story of this week was our exclusive scoop of the upcoming Infinix GT 10 Pro - a gaming phone Infinix is readying for the Indian market. It will launch at the beginning of August with a semi-transparent design, a 108MP camera, a Dimensity chipset, and Android 13. ZTE had a couple of launches. The nubia Red Magic 8S Pro become official outside of China with shipments poised to start on August 3. The phone will start at $650/€650/£580/S$910/MX$14,100. The other ZTE announcement was the nubia Z50S Pro with a 35mm main camera, a 50MP ultrawide with 2.5cm macro capabilities, and...
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Week 29 in review: Infinix GT 10 Pro leaks, Red Magic 8S Pro goes global
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
juillet 23, 2023
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