The Infinix GT 10 Pro that will launch in India next month will be priced under INR20,000 ($245/€220). It will also pack a 120Hz AMOLED screen with an in-display fingerprint scanner, and we've learned the 108MP primary camera on the rear will be joined by two 8MP units. Infinix is yet to detail the GT 10 Pro's specs sheet, but we know what the smartphone looks like. It will have a Cyber Mecha design and come in two colors - Cyber Black and Mirage Silver. Both models will sport LEDs on their back cover, which will light up for new notifications and work as a battery charging status...
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Infinix GT 10 Pro to be priced under INR 20,000, pack a 120Hz AMOLED screen
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
juillet 25, 2023
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