The Realme 11 Pro that began its international rollout last week will go on sale in India today starting at noon local time through Realme's official website, Flipkart, and mainline channels. The smartphone comes in three memory configurations - 8GB/128GB, 8GB/256GB, and 12GB/256GB, priced at INR23,999 ($290/€270), INR24,999 ($305/€280), and INR27,999 ($340/€310), respectively. It has two color options - Astral Black and Sunrise Beige. The smartphone also comes in an Oasis Green shade, but that's currently unavailable. The Realme 11 Pro has the Dimensity 7050 chip at the helm and runs...
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Realme 11 Pro goes on sale in India today
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
juin 15, 2023
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