The Realme 11 Pro+, which was unveiled in China last month and began its international rollout a week ago, will go on sale in India today starting at noon local time. It comes in Astral Black, Sunrise Beige, and Oasis Green colors with two memory options - 8GB/256GB and 12GB/256GB, priced at INR27,999 ($340/€315) and INR29,999 ($365/€335), respectively. You can buy it from Realme's official Indian website, Flipkart, and mainline channels. The Realme 11 Pro+ is powered by the Dimensity 7050 SoC and runs Android 13-based Realme UI 4.0 out of the box. It's built around a 6.7" FullHD+ 120Hz...
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Realme 11 Pro goes on sale in India today
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
juin 14, 2023
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