A few days ago, iQOO revealed the design of the iQOO Neo 7 Pro, which will be unveiled on July 4 in India. Now the company has confirmed a couple of key specs of the smartphone - its processor and charging speed. iQOO has confirmed that the iQOO Neo 7 Pro will be powered by the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC, which will be joined by an "Independent Gaming Chip" (IG Chip) to take the "gaming experience to new heights" and deliver "enhanced graphics and smooth gameplay." The iQOO Neo 7 Pro will also support 120W FlashCharge technology, advertised to juice up the phone's battery up to 50% in...
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iQOO Neo 7 Pro's processor and charging speed officially confirmed ahead of July 4 unveiling
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
juin 17, 2023
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