A few weeks ago Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Book2 Go, a thin and light ARM-powered Windows laptop based on the Snapdragon 7c+ Gen 3. While the chipset supports 5G, the original model did not make use of that and offered only local connectivity. Today the company unveiled a 5G version of the laptop. The Samsung Galaxy Book2 Go 5G is a dual-SIM device and can combine a physical SIM and an eSIM (note that only single-standby is supported). The 5G connection uses the sub-6GHz bands. In addition to that, the laptop can connect to Wi-Fi 6E networks and knows some neat tricks if you have other...
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Samsung unveils 5G-connected Galaxy Book2 Go with Snapdragon 7c+ Gen 3
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
janvier 17, 2023
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