Apple fixing known Safari fingerprinting bug that allows websites to track your browsing history

Apple is working on a fix for a known bug in Safari that allows websites to view a user's browsing history and Google ID.
On Sunday, it was reported that researchers had found an issue with the way Apple had implemented IndexedDB API in Safari 15. The bug would allow any website to track a browser's internet activity, and potentially determine a user's identity.Apple is now preparing a fix for the bug, according to a WebKit commit on GitHub, as spotted by MacRumors. However, the fix will not be available to users until Apple rolls out updates for Safari on macOS Monterey, iOS 15, and iPadOS 15.


from AppleInsider News
Apple fixing known Safari fingerprinting bug that allows websites to track your browsing history Apple fixing known Safari fingerprinting bug that allows websites to track your browsing history Reviewed by Ghaniiero on janvier 18, 2022 Rating: 5

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