Aside from the XR20, HMD Global has announced another two phones, the 6310 and the C30. The former is, as the name implies, yet another reinterpretation of a classic Nokia phone from years past, while the C30 is an interesting Android smartphone with a big battery and low price. Let's start with the C30, then. The C-series is Nokia's new entry-level family of devices, and as such you shouldn't expect reccord-breaking specs on offer here. In fact, the Nokia C30 is the new "king" of the C-series, with the biggest screen and largest battery capacity at 6.82" and 6,000 mAh,...
from - Latest articles
Nokia C30 and 6310 are official too alongside a bunch of true wireless earbuds
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
juillet 26, 2021
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