Huawei has dropped Honor from its roster to save the team its troubles with US companies, and now another brand has separated - the China-only Maimang. The now-independent entity did not wait one bit and has already launched its new midranger, called Maimang 10 SE 5G, with a Snapdragon 480 5G chipset. The phone comes with 6GB RAM and 128GB of storage and a trio of cameras on the back, lined up on a square island. The setup brings 13MP f/1.8 main + 2 MP f/2.4 + 2 MP f/2.4 shooters, while the selfie snapper is 8MP with an f/2.0 aperture in front. The front-facing camera is mounted on...
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Maimang 10 SE 5G is official, arrives without Huawei branding
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
juillet 19, 2021
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