Apple to remove popular DOS emulator for iOS from App Store

The developer of "iDOS 2," a popular DOS emulator for iOS, on Thursday said Apple will remove the app from the App Store for breaking review guidelines.
iDOS 2Available since 2014, iDOS 2 emulates the DOS system on iOS, allowing users to play classic games and use other DOS applications like word processors. The app comes complete with a PC keyboard, gamepad, and mouse, each of which can be operated by Bluetooth accessories.While updates have been relatively consistent, Apple is threatening to pull iDOS 2 from the App Store for running afoul of the company's guidelines.


from AppleInsider News
Apple to remove popular DOS emulator for iOS from App Store Apple to remove popular DOS emulator for iOS from App Store Reviewed by Ghaniiero on juillet 22, 2021 Rating: 5

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