Realme has just launched a new phone in India - the C25s. As the name suggests it's very similar to the Realme C25 with one major upgrade - the chipset is Mediatek Helio G85 instead of the Helio G70 in the earlier smartphone. Realme C25s The Realme C25s inherits the 6.5” LCD of HD+ resolution from its predecessor as well as its huge 6,000 mAh battery. There is a single 4GB RAM option and two storage tiers - 64GB and 128GB. Either way there's a microSD card slot that allows for up to 256GB cards. On top of that, its a triple tray that can also hold two separate SIM cards, so no...
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Realme C25s is official with Helio G85
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
juin 07, 2021
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