MagSafe used to fish out iPhone 12 Pro dropped in canal

A man rescued an iPhone 12 Pro from a canal in Berlin, but instead of diving in, he took advantage of MagSafe and fished for the smartphone.
Magnet-fishing an iPhone from a canal [via @frederikriedel/Twitter]Magnet-fishing an iPhone from a canal [via @frederikriedel/Twitter]
On Saturday, a friend of app developer Frederik Riedel dropped his iPhone 12 Pro into a canal in Berlin. At the time, it was thought the device was lost, as it sank into the mud at the bottom of the water.


from AppleInsider News
MagSafe used to fish out iPhone 12 Pro dropped in canal MagSafe used to fish out iPhone 12 Pro dropped in canal Reviewed by Ghaniiero on mai 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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