Apple to furnish Cook, Federighi, Schiller, Forstall, other execs in trial with Epic

Current and former Apple executives, including CEO Tim Cook and ex-iOS chief Scott Forstall, are scheduled to testify at an upcoming trial involving Epic Games that could reshape how the tech giant manages the App Store.
FortniteAccording to a tentative witness list submitted to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California on Friday, Apple is furnishing a total of 11 current and former executives with ties to the App Store for live questioning. Others will sit for depositions.On the list are Cook, Forstall, SVP of Software Engineering Craig Federighi, Apple Fellow and former head of marketing Phil Schiller, App Store VP Matt Fischer, commerce and payments director Eric Gray, game development manager Mark Grimm, senior director of developer technical services C.K. Haun, senior director of marketing Trystan Kosmynka, senior director of partnership management and worldwide developer relations Shaan Pruden, head of game business Michael Schmid, and head of fraud eng., algorithms and risk Eric Friedman.


from AppleInsider News
Apple to furnish Cook, Federighi, Schiller, Forstall, other execs in trial with Epic Apple to furnish Cook, Federighi, Schiller, Forstall, other execs in trial with Epic Reviewed by Ghaniiero on mars 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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