Qualcomm launches its top of the line chipset every year in December. This chipset powers most Android flagship smartphones for the first half of the next year till the time the “Plus” variant comes out from Qualcomm’s stable. This year it looks like the Chinese smartphone maker Realme may beat all the major brands to become the first brand to launch a Snapdragon 875-powered phone.
Sometime back, Xu Qi, Realme’s VP had hinted that one of the company's next flagship will be the first one to be powered by this top of line chipset. While he did not name the device that will sport this new processor but going by the leaks, this new smartphone could very well by the Realme 7 Pro Plus.
Earlier, even one of Redmi's top executives was found to be teasing an upcoming device with Snapdragon 875 SoC and going by the reports, Realme seems to be gaining the pole position in this race. It is not the first time that these fierce competitors are trying to outrun each other.
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Realme 7 Pro Plus – What we know as of now
There is very little that we know of this upcoming smartphone. However, it is said that the phone could come in a couple of variants and may feature Realme’s 125W dart charging feature that can charge a 4000 mAh battery to 33% in under 3 minutes.
Additionally, it is rumoured to come with a punch-hole display housing the selfie camera and 5G connectivity. The Realme 7 Pro Plus is expected to hit the market in the first quarter of 2021 though it is not clear if Realme will bring this phone to international markets as of now.
Snapdragon 875
No need to say that the Snapdragon 875 will be the most powerful mobile chipset to power Android phones. This chipset is based on the 5nm process and is expected to be at least 23% more powerful than its predecessor. Qualcomm is said to have gone with Samsung to manufacture this new chipset instead of its Taiwanese counterpart TSMC.
On the other hand, if reports are to be believed, the Snapdragon 875 would be at least 50% costlier than the current generation chipset which in turn would mean that getting a flagship in 2021 could be a costly affair.
It is already being reported that Asus is working with Qualcomm to bring a new powerful gaming-focused smartphone. This could be the successor of ROG Phone 3 that has already impressed everyone with Asus’s detailed focus on gaming-centric features. And to make the competition stiffer, even Qualcomm is said to be readying its own smartphone powered by, of course, the Snapdragon 875 chipset.
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