The Oppo A15 is set to launch soon in India, and thanks to Amazon, we already know that the smartphone will pack a 6.52" waterdrop notch display and sport a triple camera setup, which is a combination of 13MP primary, 2MP macro and 2MP depth sensor units. The rest of the specs are yet to be officially confirmed, but a new leak fills in the missing pieces of the puzzle. According to the source, the Oppo A15 will be powered by the Helio P35 SoC, run Android 10-based ColorOS 7.2 out of the box, and have 3GB RAM and 32GB of expandable storage onboard. Although it's unclear if the...
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Oppo A15 full specs leak: Helio P35 SoC and 4,230 mAh battery in tow
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
octobre 11, 2020
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