An Apple support document published this week notes iPhone 12 series handsets support 5G downloads of iOS updates, though some users might need to manually enable the feature.
Apple outlined the capabilities of iPhone 12 series 5G data modes in a support document published Tuesday. Along with all-5G, all-LTE and a so-called "Smart Data Mode," which automatically toggles cellular connectivity between 5G and LTE depending on network speeds, iOS provides three data throughput settings for iPhone 12 devices: Allow More Data on 5G, Standard, and Low Data Mode.Users benefit from high-quality FaceTime calls, high-definition video and audio, and iOS updates over cellular with Allow More Data. In addition, third-party apps are unleashed to use more cellular data for "enhanced experiences." This setting is automatically selected as iPhone's default with certain unlimited-data plans on a carrier-by-barrier basis.
from AppleInsider News
from AppleInsider News
iPhone 12 supports iOS updates over 5G, but users might need to manually activate feature
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
octobre 21, 2020
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