The Poco M2 Pro unveiled last week will go on sale today in India starting noon local time through Flipkart. It comes in Green and Greener, Out of the Blue and Two Shades of Black colors and has three memory options - 4GB/64GB priced at INR13,999 ($185/€165), 6GB/64GB priced at INR14,999 ($200/€175), and 6GB/128GB that's priced at INR16,999 ($225/€200). Poco M2 Pro comes in Green and Greener, Out of the Blue, and Two Shades of Black colors The Poco M2 Pro is built around a 6.67" FullHD+ display and has a Snapdragon 720G SoC under the hood. The smartphone boots Android 10 with...
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Poco M2 Pro goes on sale today
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
juillet 13, 2020
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