The vivo Y50 unveiled back in April has debuted in India in its Iris Blue and Pearl White color options. It's priced at INR17,990 ($240/210) and will go on sale starting June 10 through the company's official Indian site,, Flipkart, Paytm, Tata CLiQ and partner retail stores across the country. The vivo Y50 is powered by the Snapdragon 665 SoC paired with 8GB RAM. It boots Android 10-based Funtouch OS 10 and has 128GB storage on board. The smartphone also comes with a dedicated slot for a microSD card for storage expansion. vivo Y50 in Iris Blue and Pearl White...
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vivo Y50 comes to India, sales begin June 10
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
juin 08, 2020
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