The Samsung Galaxy M30s was launched last year with two memory versions - 4GB/64GB and 6GB/128GB. Now the company has announced a third version that comes with 4GB RAM and 128GB storage. This new version is priced at INR14,999 ($200/180) and will go on sale in India from March 14 through the company's official site and The 4GB/64GB and 6GB/128GB models that were launched for INR13,999 ($190/165) and INR16,999 ($230/200) are now available for INR12,999 ($175/155) and INR15,999 ($215/190), respectively. Samsung Galaxy M30s The Galaxy M30s sports a 6.4" FullHD+...
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Samsung Galaxy M30s gets a new version
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
mars 12, 2020
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