Realme teased the new Narzo series a couple of days ago and today the company announced that it will launch the Narzo 10 and Narzo 10A on March 26 in India. The event will start at 12:30 PM IST (7 AM UTC) and will be streamed live via Realme India's official channels. Besides announcing the launch date, Realme also confirmed a few details about the Narzo 10 duo on its official site to build the hype. For starters, the Narzo 10 will sport a 48MP quad camera on the back while the 10A will feature triple cameras with the main unit having F/1.8 aperture. Other specs revealed...
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Realme Narzo 10 and Narzo 10A coming on March 26, specs confirmed
Reviewed by Ghaniiero
mars 20, 2020
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